Hyp3 xclp360T 80T 600nk 800knOtomatis tepat opat sukar lawon hidraulik acsa motong mesin pencét
Nganggo sareng fitur:
The Machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, package, toys, stationery, automobile sareng industri sanés.
1. Anggo struktur silinder ganda sareng tepat opat kolom otomatis otomatis tautan pikeun mastikeun jerona motong anu sami di unggal motong.
2 Nalika piring tekanan mencét ka handap pikeun nyabak yén cutter paéh, mesin sacara otomatis laun, anu tiasa ngadamel teu aya kasalahan anu aya diantara bahan motong.
3. Ti ngagaduhan struktur khususna, anu ngamungkinkeun adaster strokes anu aman sareng koordinat gaduh kakuatan sareng motong jangkungna jangkungna.
4. Setel sistem pelumas otomatis pikeun mastikeun préparasi mesin sareng comprabilitas mesin.
Spésifikasi téknis
Model | Hip3-350 | Hip3-400 | Hyp3-500 | Hyp3-800 | Hyp3-1000 | ||
Kakuatan motong maksimum | 350kn | 400k | 500kn | 800kn | 1000n | ||
Wewengkon motong (mm) | 1600 * 600 | 1600 * 700 | 1600 * 800 | 1600 * 800 | 1600 * 800 | ||
Strivasi Strok(Mm) | 50-200 | 50-200 | 50-200 | 50-200 | 50-200 | ||
Kakuatan | 2,2 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5.5 | ||
Diménsi mesin (mm) | 2400 * 800 * 1500 | 2400 * 900 * 1500 | 2400 * 1350 * 1500 | 2400 * 1350 * 1500 | 2400 * 1350 * 1500 | ||
GD | 1800 | 2400 | 3000 | 4500 | 6000 |