Wilujeng sumping dina situs wéb urang!

Mesin motong busa

  • Plc dilengkepan sistem konveyor. Servo motor drives materials to come in from one side of the machine; after being cut the materials are delivered from the other side for an accurate material conveying action and a smooth operation. Conveyor length can be easily adjusted by the touch screen.

  • Hideung Hideung Hideung Mesin Cat Cat May

    Hideung Hideung Hideung Mesin Cat Cat May

    2. Leungeun punch otomatis tiasa mindahkeun sacara otomatis dibenerkeun, janten widang visual sampurna sareng operasi aman.

  • Pesawat hidrolik paeh motong mesin pencét

    Pesawat hidrolik paeh motong mesin pencét

    1. Sumbu poko anu diadoperasi sistem langser otomatis anu nyayogikeun minyak pikeun mérek kahirupan mesin tina mesin.

    3. Di wewengkon motong papan tekanan ageung ageung pikeun motong bahan ukuran gedéna.

    5. Jangkungna balikkeun stroke tina platen tiasa diatur wenang pikeun ngirangan stroke Idle.

  • Hidrolic opat Colom Colom
  • Mesin clicklic hidrolik pencét

    Mesin clicklic hidrolik pencét

    5. Indivisi roda ngalayang dianggo pikeun nyimpen énergi, anu ngahubungkeun énergi.

  • 1. Sumbu poko anu diadoperasi sistem langser otomatis anu nyayogikeun minyak pikeun mérek kahirupan mesin tina mesin.

    3. Di wewengkon motong papan tekanan ageung ageung pikeun motong bahan ukuran gedéna.

    5. Jangkungna balikkeun stroke tina platen tiasa diatur wenang pikeun ngirangan stroke Idle.

  • Hyp2 250n 300kn 1t 30t 30t Pesawat Motong Hidratulik

    Hyp2 250n 300kn 1t 30t 30t Pesawat Motong Hidratulik

    1. Sumbu poko anu diadoperasi sistem langser otomatis anu nyayogikeun minyak pikeun mérek kahirupan mesin tina mesin.

    3. Di wewengkon motong papan tekanan ageung ageung pikeun motong bahan ukuran gedéna.

    5. Jangkungna balikkeun stroke tina platen tiasa diatur wenang pikeun ngirangan stroke Idle.

  • Hip2 XCLP2 Series opat Colring Colre

    Hip2 XCLP2 Series opat Colring Colre

    HYP2 XCLP2 Series Four-column Hydraulic Cutting Press Machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag , bungkusan, pungkur, alat tulis, mobil sareng industri sanés.

    2. Anggo ganda ganda dipariksa pikeun ngahontal kakuatan anu motong tonnage tinggi sareng ngahémat tanaga dikonsumsi.

  • Hyp2 120t 150t hydroulic hidritch

    Hyp2 120t 150t hydroulic hidritch

    HYP2 120T 150T Hydraulic Downward Die Cutting Press Machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, Bungkusan, Thys, Pursier, Otomatis sareng Industri séjén.


    3. Disayogikeun nganggo alat dahar otomatis, ningkatkeun efisiensi jasa sareng kasalametan.

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