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  • Hyp3-m séri opat kolom opat kolom satengah

    Hyp3-m séri opat kolom opat kolom satengah

    Mesin ieu utamina dianggo pikeun motong bahan laréng atanapi satengah potongan uyah, PVC plastik éléktronik busa, stiker labél, karét sareng bahan éléktronik sanés. Éta mangrupakeun alat anu sanésna dirarancang khusus pikeun tukang masak lambaran, steeler ponsel, Phetean, poto, jsb

  • Hya2-120 / 160/200 12T 12T 16T 20t Swing Mesin Hidruk Cutpres

    Hya2-120 / 160/200 12T 12T 16T 20t Swing Mesin Hidruk Cutpres

    Utur sareng fitur mesin anu dianggo pikeun motong pembesakan, uros, kulit, serat, serat dimik sareng acrik. 1. Dunteurkeun sistem melekat otomatis anu nyayogikeun minyak pikeun ngirangan abrasiin sareng manjangkeun kana kahirupan mesin tina mesin. 2. Waktu sirkuit éléktronik ngadalikeun posisi handap stroke, anu nyababkeun precisi luhur sareng naék sapatu. Adjust the height of swing arm apart from working table to make operation simply, reliable and convenient. Hydulrice ...
  • Hya4-200 / 220/250 / 270k / 270l tina mesin pencét piring hydrazy
  • TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION STRUCTURE Constructed in fully welded steel, built for strength with a computer designed triangulated structure in order to guarantee maximum rigidity and reliability. UNDERCARRIAGE In welded sheet with the main piston built-in steel. Éta slide nganggo sistem balkap pikeun ngirangan geter sareng bising sareng ningkatkeun lila-lami. MOVEMENT UNDERCARRIAGE Using a Reinforced toothed pulley belt to move the two CNC axes, giving you a longer life, requiring less maintenance and ...
  • Hyl3 Nepi Asisten 'Kolom Kolom Otomatis ngalacak Hulangan Mesin Hour Moldring Hatchic Graphulik

    Hyl3 Nepi Asisten 'Kolom Kolom Otomatis ngalacak Hulangan Mesin Hour Moldring Hatchic Graphulik

    Uses And Features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting the materials such as rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fibre and other materials, which is a wide format and be roll material, with shaped blades. 1. Anggo silinder ganda sareng duka granat sareng otomatis pikeun mastikeun jerona panyawat anu sami dina unggal daérah motong. 2. Ngagaduhan struktur khususna, anu ngamungkinkeun adjustment stroke aman sareng koordinat anu pas sareng kakuatan motong sareng nanemen jangkung ...
  • Hyl2 25t 30t angkat sirah mesin cut hidrang
  • Uses and features The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, package, toys, alat tulis, mobil sareng industri sanés. . 2. Potong kakuatan anu tahan, anu cocog pikeun motong spésial dagang karét ...
  • Uses and features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as leather, plastic, rubber, canvas, nylon, cardboard and various synthetic materials. 1. Sumbu poko anu diadoperasi sistem langser otomatis anu nyayogikeun minyak pikeun mérek kahirupan mesin tina mesin. 2. Dikoperasi ku kadua leungeun, anu aman sareng dipercaya. 3. Di wewengkon motong papan tekanan ageung ageung pikeun motong bahan ukuran gedéna. 4. Jeralan kakuatan motong diatur janten basajan sareng akurat. ...
  • HYP3 XCLP3 40T 400KN Precise four-column cardboard gantry die cutting press machine Uses and features: The Machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter Dina kulit ngolah, ngahasilkeun lawon, kasus sareng kantong, bungkusan, pungkur, pamungkasan, mobil sareng industri sanés. 1. Anggo struktur silinder ganda sareng tepat opat kolom 3 kolom otomatis pikeun mastikeun jerona motong anu sami di ...