4. The position of rocker can be adjusted by the hand wheel at the top of machine and the cutting stroke is adjusted by timer so that the optimal cutting position can be achieved easily, the working efficiency is enhanced, and the service life of die cutter sareng papan bantal dibébaskeun.
5. Indivisi roda ngalayang dianggo pikeun nyimpen énergi, anu ngahubungkeun énergi.
Mesin éta dipaké pikeun motong pembesakan, saba, kulit, karét, serat, kertas keras sareng lawon katun.
1. Dunteurkeun sistem melekat otomatis anu nyayogikeun minyak pikeun ngirangan abrasiin sareng manjangkeun kana kahirupan mesin tina mesin.
1. Polotasi panangan ayun nyaéta fleksibel, sareng operasi sareng pilihan atanapi pilihan anu cocog.
4. The position of rocker can be adjusted by the hand wheel at the top of machine and the cutting stroke is adjusted by timer so that the optimal cutting position can be achieved easily, the working efficiency is enhanced, and the service life of die cutter sareng papan bantal dibébaskeun.
5. Indivisi roda ngalayang dianggo pikeun nyimpen énergi, anu ngahubungkeun énergi.