Wilujeng sumping dina situs wéb urang!

  • Gelar 360 Gelar Plot Mesin Hatang Hatch

    Gelar 360 Gelar Plot Mesin Hatang Hatch

    Plc dilengkepan sistem konveyor. Servo motor drives materials to come in from one side of the machine; after being cut the materials are delivered from the other side for an accurate material conveying action and a smooth operation. Conveyor length can be easily adjusted by the touch screen.

  • Hydraulic Rubber Cutting Press Machine is Suitable for single or multiple layers of leather, rubber, plastic, cloth, sponge, nylon, artificial leather, PVC board, cutting non-woven material, especially suitable for wide format, a blanking roll material; Utamana aturan motong, gulung paut, jumlah dina panjangna bagian anu ditarapkeun sapertos maén bal, Bola bail bal, Ténis.

  • Conveyor Otomatis opat Colre Campur

    Conveyor Otomatis opat Colre Campur

    Automatic Conveyor Four Column Cutting Press Machine is Suitable for single or multiple layers of leather, rubber, plastic, cloth, sponge, nylon, artificial leather, PVC board, cutting non-woven material, especially suitable for wide format, a blanking roll material; Utamana aturan motong, gulung paut, jumlah dina panjangna bagian anu ditarapkeun sapertos maén bal, Bola bail bal, Ténis.

  • Hyl3 Nepi Asisten 'Kolom Kolom Otomatis ngalacak Hulangan Mesin Hour Moldring Hatchic Graphulik

    Hyl3 Nepi Asisten 'Kolom Kolom Otomatis ngalacak Hulangan Mesin Hour Moldring Hatchic Graphulik

    2. Ti ngagaduhan struktur khususna, anu ngamungkinkeun adjustmes beralatan anu aman sareng koordinat gaduh kakuatan sareng motong jangkungna jangkungna.

  • Sarjana Sely4 360 puteran Tangkutan Béntang Belut Hatang Cutreshik Cutreshic

    Sarjana Sely4 360 puteran Tangkutan Béntang Belut Hatang Cutreshik Cutreshic

    Plc dilengkepan sistem konveyor. Servo motor drives materials to come in from one side of the machine; after being cut the materials are delivered from the other side for an accurate material conveying action and a smooth operation. Conveyor length can be easily adjusted by the touch screen.

  • Plc dilengkepan sistem konveyor. Servo motor drives materials to come in from one side of the machine; after being cut the materials are delivered from the other side for an accurate material conveying action and a smooth operation. Conveyor length can be easily adjusted by the touch screen.

  • Penalan produk sareng ciri 1 mesin ieu dianggo pikeun operasi nembang anu abrasif. 2 the use of brake motor, the application of abrasive belt cutting process frequent start stop system. 3 using pneumatic components for belt tightening, no pollution. 4 Kontrol listrik otomatis, semi-otomatis dua file, numutkeun pagawéan terampil milih. 5 Tambipikasi khusus tiasa janten fitur khusus (1) efisiensi anu luhur: mesin motong hidraulik dina prosés panggunaan urang ...
  • 200t 2000ncisi opat-kolom mesin motong otomatis
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